Photonegative ion technology: People need both sunlight and negative oxygen ions

Publish Time: 2024-05-23     Origin: Site

Sunshine, air, and water are the three fundamental elements of nature and essential natural substances for human survival and development. Therefore, scientists have been conducting in-depth research and analysis on these three common and inseparable elements in humans. Based on these three elements, human scientists have also invented many new technologies, including direct utilization of solar lamps, solar power plants, air energy water heaters, high-pressure fire extinguishers, steam engines, water trucks, etc., as well as simulation and biomimetic technologies such as artificial sun, laser, nuclear fusion, mixed gas, desalination water, etc. Whether directly utilizing or simulating biomimetics, it has taken human technological civilization to a new level.

The sunlight on Earth comes from the sun; The birth of air on Earth is inseparable from the density of sunlight and is also protected by the atmosphere; The water on Earth is a product of the combined action of sunlight and air. Therefore, people often say that all things grow by the sun. It can be said that the sun is the mother of all things on Earth and the birthplace of all things on Earth. Therefore, the birth, survival, development, and growth of humanity cannot be separated from the sunlight. For humans, sunlight is the healthiest light! What are the important factors that sunlight affects human health? It is the solar spectrum; What are the important factors that air affects human health? It is the negative ion content. For people who live in cities for a long time, in order to improve their health, it is necessary to improve the quality of sunlight and air in their living space.

Negative oxygen ions, also known as negative ions, have excellent air purification effects, can neutralize settling PM2.5, and have immediate effects on smoke and dust removal; It can also degrade decoration pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene; It can disrupt the biological polarity of bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms, effectively killing them; It has sedative, inhibitory, relieving, and adjuvant therapeutic effects on 7 systems and nearly 30 types of diseases in the human body. Therefore, negative oxygen ions are known in the medical community as "vitamin A", "air vitamin", "longevity element", "air vitamin", and so on. As Dong Jiahong, an academician of the CAE Member and president of Beijing Tsinghua Changgeng Hospital, said: negative oxygen ions are very important to human health, known as "vitamins of air", and are indispensable to human health. It has antioxidant and anti-aging effects, as well as health benefits, rehabilitation of human functions, and treatment of diseases.

The sunlight not only directly brings human life and health, but also indirectly brings various necessary materials for human survival and development. The sunlight and plant photosynthesis continuously improve the quality of the air, making the oxygen and negative oxygen ions in the air more abundant, bringing fresher and more comfortable air to humans; The intimate interaction between sunlight and water atoms improves the composition of the water source, kills harmful substances in the water source, and brings cleaner and more delicious water to humanity. Human physical and mental health cannot be separated from healthy light, healthy air, and healthy water.

By understanding this, we will realize that humans need to create healthy light, healthy air, and healthy water that meet human needs through scientific and technological means, simulating biomimetic methods. Now, after years of in-depth research, a new technology that was originally invented and innovatively integrated the "light element" in sunlight and the "negative ion element" in the air by Chinese people has successfully emerged, which is called "photonegative ion technology". Photonegative ion technology is an advanced technology that simulates and transcends nature, while providing both light and air nutrition, which is a major driving force for the healthy development of human society.

Photonegative ion technology originated from simulating nature. In sunlight, there are both numerous nutrients and different material energies. After years of scientific research, human scientists use spectra to analyze sunlight, and different spectra of sunlight have different nutrients and energy. Photonegative ion technology is a concept proposed by combining sunlight with negative oxygen ions. Photonegative ion is a new integrated technology that integrates light health and green air treatment technology: it not only outputs simulated solar spectra (including visible light spectrum, infrared spectrum, and ultraviolet spectrum), but also simulates negative oxygen ions in natural forests. At the same time, it also uses the specific wavelength spectrum generated by itself to degrade ozone ions associated with negative oxygen ion emitters.

The Healthy Light simulates the solar spectrum, incorporating R9 red spectrum and IR infrared spectroscopy technology to help delay myopia, combat depression, and protect the skin; Forest oxygen bar simulates the forest environment, releases negative ions, and creates a spatial environment for forest oxygen bar. Ecological oxygen bars can simulate the solar spectrum (including visible light spectrum, infrared spectrum, and ultraviolet spectrum) through photonegative ion technology, and organically combine the negative oxygen ions in the forest. By studying various spectral data and the reaction mechanism of negative oxygen ions, and based on the mature application technology of artificial light sources and negative oxygen ion generators, ecological oxygen bar products that are more suitable for human health, physiological and psychological needs can be designed to supplement the light and air nutrients needed by the human body, and maximize the satisfaction of a healthy light and air environment.

Photonegative ion technology not only simulates and mimics nature, but also surpasses nature through human technological innovation. Photonegative ion technology selects and recombines different spectra in sunlight, adopting different spectra according to people's different needs, thus achieving precise applications. The application of intelligent control technology is crucial in this process. In order to better understand photonegative ion technology, we have conducted monitoring and statistics on solar spectral data and negative oxygen ion data from all over the country for five consecutive years. With these data, combined with advanced intelligent technology, it is ultimately possible to truly achieve the simulation of sunlight, the simulation of negative oxygen ions, and beyond the simulation foundation.

Photonegative ion technology emphasizes the use of technology to fully utilize the different effects of spectra and air components, integrate them with technology, and provide both light and air nutrients. It is derived from human technology and used in people's lives to achieve its effects on physical and mental health, thereby improving people's living environment, improving spatial environment, and reducing the impact on climate.

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